Welcome to my adventure

Thanks for coming to my blog... I hope you enjoy reading about my travels and adventures during this year. Click on the link above to see pictures of my adventure year... the password for the shutterfly account is ilovecarly (because I know you do)

Friday, October 2, 2009

A visit to a Dong Village


Sorry it's been a while but we haven't been doing very much so I didn't think it made sense to say "Well I can't tell you very much cause we haven't been doing anything." It just sounds bad!!

Anyways, yesterday was awesome. The name of the people group who live in this area of China is "Dong". They say it as "gum". In May of 2008's National Geographic, Amy Tan (a famous author) wrote a long article about DiMin Village, which is very near to Liping. It is much like a Dong village we visited yesterday to see one of Monica's friends. The village is called Lutuan (it sounds like Lootwan), and is just off the road so we didn't have to do alot of walking. We spent the whole day there eating and hiking which was amazing!!

I have finally have pictures to share with you so you can see what we ate and where we were hiking. I tried to send them to my mom, but she can't get big photo files, so I'll resize them and resend them. She'll post them as soon as she can.
At around 1 o'clock we had our 1st meal. We had cooked carrots with garlic, green beans with hot peppers, cooked califlower, zuchinni with a little bit of hot peppers, sour green beens with hot peppers and pork, tofu or dofu soup, bean sprout soup and of course, lots of rice. After we ate, Monica, Felisha, Chloe, Creed and myself went on a walk to see if anybody was cutting rice but nobody was out so we just kept on going. We ended up walking to the Flower Bridge, which is about 1 and a half miles from Felisha's house. When we were walking to the Bridge we were walking on dikes in between the rice paddies for at least half a mile of more. Once we got to the Bridge we played in the water for a while and there were these really pretty dragonflies that I tried to take pictures of and I got a picture but it isn't very good but I'll put it in anyways.

So after we took our walk Felisha wanted to feed us again!!! Remember it's only about 4 o'clock and we had already eaten at 1. This 2nd lunch was mostly a repeat of the first, but we also had cooked onions which were very good. At around 5:15 we left her house and took a small van back to Liping. The road is this windy mountain road and we were going as fast as we possibly could go saftly. The ride is probably an hour long ride, we got back to Liping in 35 minutes!!! It was a little scary. And I hope the pictures are sutible enough to look at:)

I'll write more again soon,


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